Hey all!
I'm taking a break from the project I'm working on to update this thing, and I thought it was time for some pictures!
We took a daytrip last week to Figuries, the town where Salvador Dali was born and where the museum that he designed for his artwork is located. After that we headed to Empuries, another small town near here that has some cool Greek and Roman ruins and a nice beach. Here are a few pictures from that!
Ok, so Dalis has some crazy stuff, but he's also got some REALLY cool stuff. Like this painting... what do you see when you look at it? Probably the same thing I saw - a naked woman walking through a doorway or something

Our whole program went to San Sebastian this past weekend and it was wonderful!! It's a small beach town on the northern coast of Spain, pretty near France. We actually saw a highway sign on the way there that said "Paris 8__ km" it was cool! I really liked the town of San Sebastian, and I had an AWESOME time there - I spent 5 hours on the beach again, this time going back and forth between playing frisbee in the sand and then swimming for a bit, then frisbee some more, and then cool down in the ocean. It was GREAT! I'm a little sore from running in the sand so much, but it was totally worth it! I was in heaven. Anyways, here's some pictures from San Sebastian!

Alright, that's it for now... back to my project :)