jueves, 12 de julio de 2007

This is not America

Hello all!!!
How are things? Things are surprisingly boring here... I'm enjoying Barcelona, even though it's SO different from Sevilla. In Sevilla I traveled every weekend and here I'm not traveling at all until I go to San Sebastian next weekend with the rest of my program. It's nice to just relax - it's the first opportunity I've had to have a relaxing summer, so I'm taking this opportunity to refresh myself for my whirlwind August and the school year that follows.
The past couple of days a strange thing has happened to me... I've been craving America! It's been 8 weeks since I first arrived here in Spain, and this is the first time that I've really been really wanting some America - unlimited free refills with ice and a nice big free glass of water to go with, menus with a language i know and food i recognize, our definition of good customer service, jeans/tshirts/flipflops/ponytails (oh how i miss tshirts!), people fully clothed at the beach, public bathrooms with toilet paper, driving my car, my money actually being worth something (no more of the 1.40 exchange rate!), people NOT having mullets, guys having nothing to do with glitter and capris, watching movies, ranch dressing, functional doorknobs... oh and SO many more things. I miss America! I've missed these things the whole time I've been here, but just the past couple of days it's been really irking me, and I've been WANTING this stuff really badly. So last night we went to Hard Rock Cafe where everyone speaks English, and I got a really really good salad and ate some of my friends' fries with unlimited ketchup. They had pop with free refills, and LIMES for the first time. It sounds small, but it was really nice. :)
I hope yall are enjoying America - know that I miss you all - my friends and family are at the top of my "things in America that I miss" list.

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