sábado, 11 de agosto de 2007

Adios España

Well, I suppose all good things must come to an end. Stink on that. Mom and I just went out to dinner and are in the hotel. Time to pack my bags, sleep a bit, then head to the airport early tomorrow mornin. So strange! For a year and a half I have been planning this trip to Spain, this summer abroad, and not only has it finally come but now it is OVER. Surreal? I think Dalí would appreciate this weird feeling. I´m going to be honest - I´m not sure what else to say. So i suppose I´ll leave it at that for now. We´re comin home tomorrow (land around 5:30ish I think, and I´ll turn my phone on as soon as we do!), so I´ll talk to you then and can tell you about the rest of my adventures in Spain with my Mom. Have a great 24 hours... see you State-side!


PS - thanks for keepin up with me on here! I´ll post an update/recap/pictures sometime soon.

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