miércoles, 1 de agosto de 2007

Hostels, anyone?

Hey all!
Well, a lot has happened. Last thursda we had our farewell dinner for the Barcelona study abroad program, and then we all moved out on Saturday and I said goodbye to everyone. It was sad, and it meant time for me to pack up and be on the move again! I decided to spend a couple of extra days in Barcelona, so after leaving our apartment I just took the metro across town and settled down in my hostel, and made friends immediately. the hostel life is SO much fun! this is the first time i´ve been doing it on my own, but there are so many people there that are also by themselves, and everybody wants to make friends, so it´s really a great environment for getting to know cool people. While I was in the hostel there there were very few Americans - lots of Australians and Canadians, as always!! The other night I went out to dinner with an Australian, a Canadian, a French guy, and a guy from Denmark. It´s so cool! I can actually distinguish between the Quebec accent and the french accent now - go me! And I got to impress a Canadian girl last night with my extensive knowlege of Canadian geography (I named all the provinces in order from west to east, with the exception of the last three, and included major cities in each. she was really surprised)! On the other hand, we were playing a game the other night in the hostal and the other American that was playing said that people had to name US states. It was first really funny when someone said "there are like 50, right?" and then was made even more amusing when, after 3 states were named, an Australian guy offered Philadelphia as his contribution, and when we told him it was a city not a state, he tried Chicago. I´ve taken to telling people who are not from the US that I´m from Texas, just because they know where that is before they know Kansas (and if they know Kansas it´s because of a certain movie. ah, i just can´t get away from Dorothy!). haha

So my last days in Barcelona were a blast, and now I´m in Valencia for a few days. When I was in the train station on my way here I was a little confused as to where I was supposed to go, so I asked a lady near me and she looked at my ticket and after realizing that we were sitting in the same row, she took me under her wing and led the way from there through the terminal, out to the platform, and on to the train. She was so sweet! When we arrived in Valencia and asked where I was going and after realizing that she lives close to here, she walked with me all the way here and even gave me her number in case I need anything. She was SO sweet! God is so good, providing people to look out for me all along the way! Plus, I got to practice my spanish while I was talking to her, which i haven´t really done in a while. She was great, and I hope that´s something that I can do for someone some day!
I suppose that´s all for now. Mom comes in a week and I´m SO excited to see her! Wish me luck in the meantime... talk to yall later, and SEE YOU SOON!!!


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