sábado, 4 de agosto de 2007

The Lost Days

Okay, so I admit I really didn´t see much of Valencia because I feel so rotten. Kind of stinks, because it was the last new city I was going to see (from here on out it´s all repeats). But it´s ok, what I did see I liked and I met some cool people. This was the hostel with the least english speakers that i´ve encountered my whole trip. My first day here I hung out with a french girl, i talked a bit with an italian guy, and only yesterday did I come across another American. I spent a lot of my time with a girl from Australia, just walking around town in loops. It was nice.
Last night was fun - I had bought an apple at the market and had stolen the jar of peanut butter that my roommate in Barcelona was planning to throw away, and was really excited at the prospect of a good snack combining the two. I already knew that peanut butter is hard to come by, and that when you do find it it´s expensive, but apparantly apples and peanut butter is a totally american thing - everyone looked at me like i was crazy! the other american confirmed that it´s delicious, and we had a great time watching people try it. Olivia, the Australian girl, tried it and said it was good but weird. Then a couple of french girls i had met came in, and one of them lived in the states for a few months and fell in love with peanut butter, so she was really excited to see it. I gave her a piece, and then her friend, after a bit of hesitation, decided to try it as well. Her friend was so funny - her eyes got all big and she just kept saying "oh, it´s good! very good! wow, very good!" haha. i laughed.
when i finished what i wanted to eat there were 2 pieces left and not a lot of peanut butter, so i gave the remaining pieces to the french girls and the jar as well and watched them later as they scooped out the remaining bits of peanut butter with their fingers. it was really funny. spreading the joy of peanut butter all over the world!!!

1 comentario:

Amy dijo...

gross kel... that's just disgusting.
